CEILING (single) (take down and renew to 30 minutes)
CEILING (single) (take down and renew to 30 minutes)
Take down and remove the existing non half-hour fire-resisting ceiling # specify exact position/room #. Construct a new ceiling, having a minimum fire resistance of 30 minutes, using approved materials such as the following boards which when fixed to timber joists of minimum size 150mm x 50mm at max. 600mm centres, with no infill and plain edge floorboards above, will provide 30 minutes fire protection: a) 12.5 Gyproc Wallboard fixed with 40mm galvanised nails to every timber support at 150mm centres. The joints to be taped and filled or surface scrimmed and skimmed. Plain edge flooring to be covered with 3.6mm hardboard. b) 12.5mm Glasroc Multi-board fixed with 40mm galvanised nails to every timber support at 150mm centres. The joints to be taped and filled or surface scrimmed and skimmed. 12.5mm plasterboard securely fitted, taped, scrimmed, plastered and set to a smooth finish. Standard of construction to be in accordance with Appendix I to this schedule. Junctions with adjacent structural elements shall be constructed so that the structure maintains its fire integrity in the event of a fire, and is imperforate and sealed against the passage of the products of combustion on completion. Fill any gaps around cables and pipes with intumescent paste