CEILING (PLASTERBOARD) (renew defective ceiling complete to provide 30 minutes fire protection)

CEILING (PLASTERBOARD) (renew defective ceiling complete to provide 30 minutes fire protection)

Take down defective plasterboard ceiling # specify where (? throughout basement or ? specify room)# and de-nail joists. Provide and fix 12.5mm plasterboard screwed or nailed to existing joists. Scrim joists with 90mm hessian scrim and set boards with 5mm gypsum plaster finish. Junctions with adjacent structural elements shall be constructed so that the structure maintains its fire integrity in the event of a fire, and is imperforate and sealed against the passage of the products of combustion on completion. Fill any gaps around cables and pipes with intumescent paste.

CEILING (PLASTERBOARD) (renew defective ceiling complete to provide 30 minutes fire protection)
Mr Bog
Posted on
May 11, 2020
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