Various Generic (Useful)
Various Generic (Useful)
Provide in the bathroom, a suitable wash hand basin provided with an adequate supply of hot and cold water and properly connected to the drainage system by means of a trapped waste pipe including all necessary gas, electrical or water supply connections to respective Local Boards approval.
Enlarge the WC compartment to a minimum of 1.5m2 and install a securely supported wash hand basin, with constantly available supplies of hot and cold water, tiled splash-back, plug and trapped waste pipe discharging to the foul drainage system, in the toilet compartment, OR relocate the toilet into a bathroom measuring at least 2.8m2.
Provide a shower, wash hand basin and water closet to the second floor back room of premises, satisfying the following requirements:
Disconnect drainage and electric water heater. Remove all fittings and fixtures including the wash hand basin. The wash-hand basin should be set aside for re-use.
Supply and install in a suitable location a shower compartment, which is connected to the drainage system by means of trapped waste pipes. The wall surfaces within the shower compartment are to be impervious and capable of being kept clean and hygienic.
Supply and install in a suitable location a water closet comprising toilet pan with hinged lift up seat and flap and flushing cistern. The water closet is to be connected to the drainage system by means of trapped waste pipes.
Re-install wash hand basin and ensure that it is properly connected to the drainage system by means of trapped waste pipes. Supply and fit two courses of ceramic wall tiles as a “splashback” behind the sink using a suitable tile adhesive and waterproof grouting. Provide mastic seal where sink abuts the wall.
Provide a suitable and sufficient supply of hot and cold water to the shower, wash hand basin and water closet. Users of the bathroom should be able to control the temperature of the water. Carry out all necessary works, including the provision of gas or electric points as may be necessary.
Connect the shower compartment, wash hand basin and water closet to adequately sized waste pipes capable of carrying wastewater out of the premises and discharging it into vertical drains connected to the main sewerage system. All waste carrying pipes are to be designed to prevent draughts and foul air entering the premises.
Provide and lay to the floor a suitable waterproof covering for the bathroom, which is capable of being kept clean and hygienic.
Provide and fix in this room a proper means of electrical lighting suitably connected to the wiring circuit. Light switch to be of the pull-cord type.
Install a mechanical means of ventilation, with heat recovery. The ventilation is to effect not less than 30 air changes per hour and discharge directly to the external air.
The door to this room is to be fitted with a suitable sliding bolt lock.
All electrical works are to comply with the I.E.E Wiring Regulations, and by an authorised competent electrician is a member of one of the following organisations: NICEIC certifications service Ltd, BRE certification Ltd, NAPIT certification Ltd, ELECSA Ltd or British Standards Institution.
Provide and properly fix in a suitable and convenient position within the ground floor front left room, a suitable wash hand basin of minimum dimensions 500mm x 400mm complete with all fixtures and fittings including bearers, taps, plug and chain. Provide and run 32mm minimum diameter waste pipe including 75mm deep seal trap. Connect cold tap to new or existing piped cold water supply with adequate rate of flow. Connect hot tap to new or existing appliance for the provision of a constant supply of hot water with adequate rate of flow. Connect waste pipe via deep seal trap to new or existing waste drainage system fully in accordance with current Building Regulations. Test and leave in proper working order on completion. Provide and fix a glazed tile splashback to wash hand basin of minimum height 300mm. Grout splashback with waterproof grout, run waterproof fillet and leave in watertight condition on completion.
Supply and fit plug to wash hand basin in ground floor bathroom.
Hack off and replace all cracked wall tiles adjacent to the door in the ground floor bathroom. Grout tiles with waterproof grout and leave in a watertight condition on completion.