Damaged Roof Timbers

Carry out an examination and repair of ceiling joists and other roof timbers damaged by a water leak to the roof at Project Location. The work shall be carried out in accordance with all applicable Building Regulation requirements and Party Wall Act legislation requirements.

Camden Building Control Contact Details:

Please note that the works if subject to Building Regulations must be either approved by Camden Building Control or an Approved Inspector.

A qualified structural engineer or architect shall be consulted to ensure compliance with the local building regulations and to obtain necessary permits and approvals.

Examination of Damaged Timbers

Prior to any repair work, a thorough examination of the damaged ceiling joists and roof timbers shall be conducted. This examination shall include:

a. Visual inspection for signs of water damage, rot, or structural weaknesses.

b. Measurement of moisture content using appropriate tools.

c. Assessment of the extent of damage and its impact on the structural integrity.

Repair Procedure

The repair procedure shall be determined based on the examination results and in consultation with the structural engineer. It may include but is not limited to:

a. Replacement of severely damaged timbers.

b. Reinforcement of weakened timbers.

c. Application of appropriate treatments to prevent future water damage.

d. Ensuring proper load-bearing capacity of the repaired elements which includes joist hangers, wall brackets and other approved structural fixings.

Compliance with Part Wall Legislation

If applicable to the project, compliance with Party Wall Act legislation shall be ensured. This includes:

a. Notifying adjoining property owners or occupants as required by legislation.

b. Obtaining necessary approvals and agreements related to shared structures.


Detailed documentation of the examination, repair procedures, and compliance with Building Regulations and Party Wall Act legislation shall be maintained and made available for inspection upon request.

The repairs shall be subject to inspection and sign-off by the local building authorities and any relevant regulatory bodies.

Damaged Roof Timbers
Mr Bog
Posted on
September 22, 2023
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