Roof Damp Gutters

Gutters, down-pipes etc.

Take down the misaligned gutter to the XXX roof. Clean and properly refix guttering; set to proper falls. Test and leave sound, watertight and in proper working order.

Examine, overhaul and clean out all rainwater guttering, rainwater pipes and hopper heads. Supply and fit new sections as necessary; realign rainwater guttering to discharge to suitable outlets; remake defective joints with suitable compound as necessary leaving the guttering and downpipes in a sound, free-running condition.

Take down the rainwater gutters complete to the XXX. Provide and fix new 110mm half round rainwater gutters to original configuration, ensuring falls for complete rainwater clearance and securing with matching brackets at 1.00m (maximum) centres.

Provide and fix new 110mm pvc half round guttering XXX using approved materials with stop ends, laid to proper falls to a suitable outlet.

Provide and fit $ suitable / $ renew defective stop end, where missing, to the XXX roof gutter. Test and leave sound and watertight.

Remove the obstruction from the XXX rainwater pipe. Test and leave in a watertight free-running condition.

Renew defective outlet XXX using suitable materials.

Remove the leaking hopper head to the XXX. Renew with a hopper of suitable size and material, properly fixed and jointed to the rainwater down pipe.

Provide and fix suitable 68mm rainwater down pipe and fittings to the XXX, where missing. Connect to associated rainwater gutter/head and set to properly discharge to a suitable outlet. Test and leave sound, watertight and in proper working order.

Provide new section(s) of rainwater down pipe and fittings to the XXX, where missing, to match existing. Prepare existing pipework and properly fit new sections. Test and leave sound, watertight and in proper working order

Extend existing rainwater pipe XXX using approved materials properly jointed so as to discharge over a properly trapped gully.

Provide and fix additional suitable pipe clip(s) to properly secure rainwater down pipe.

Replace the defective rainwater shoe to the XXX.

Roof Damp Gutters
Mr Bog
Posted on
November 5, 2023
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