General Cockroaches
Engage the services of a suitably qualified, competent pest control contractor to carry out a full survey to establish the presence and extent of the cockroach
infestation within the building. Effective steps must be taken to gain access to all rooms and common parts of the building. Treat the whole building using a block treatment method with appropriate, effective pesticides. Set up a programme for monitoring the effectiveness of the treatment regime and for arranging for all necessary subsequent periodical treatment with the aim of eradicating rather than reducing the population. Carry out any necessary cleaning or removal of food waste or other possible harbourage material so as to maximise the effects of the eradication programme.
Keep written records of all works and treatment carried out and provide the Environmental Health Officer with copies of reports on completion, or on request during the course of treatment.
Such written records to include a schedule of rooms treated, dates of treatments and insecticides used.
All works to be carried out in accordance with Health and Safety requirements as laid out under the COSHH regulations 1999 in particular relating to the use of chemicals on site and safety advice given to the occupier(s).