Boiler Replacement – Conventional (Heating and stored hot water)
Take out existing gas boiler and remove from site. Install a new conventional gas boiler of sufficient output for the dwelling whose SEDBUK rating complies with the current Building Regulations. In particular the system shall be capable of maintaining the following internal temperatures when the external temperature is –1˚C:
- Living room 21
- Bathroom 22
- Elsewhere 18
Prior to installation the existing radiators and pipe work shall be power-flushed using an approved method.
Allow for upgrading to a fully pumped system as necessary.
All primary pipework (between the boiler and the hot water cylinder) shall be insulated
A copy of the Manufacturer’s instructions should be left with the occupier and the Benchmark document competed by the installer, a copy of which should be provided to the Council.
It is recommended that controls are upgraded as necessary to provide a room thermostat (with boiler interlock), programmer, and TRVs on all radiators except the one in the room containing the room thermostat.