General Rats


Engage the services of a suitably qualified, competent pest control contractor to carry out treatment within the private drainage system to eradicate the presence of a rat infestation. Works to include the following:

  1. A thorough survey of the private drainage system to establish the extent of the rat infestation.

  2. Throughout the private drainage system take effective steps to eradicate rats using approved rodenticide(s) and proofing methods in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions. Continue to use rodenticide(s) until complete eradication has been achieved.

  3. Keep written documentation of all surveys, treatments and periodic monitoring carried out, detailing position of bait/traps, rate of uptake and dates examined. Upon completion, or on request forward copies of all relevant written documentation to the Environmental Health Officer.

  4. Replace all missing or damaged gratings to surface water gullies.

  5. Reinstate a suitable interceptor cap of the correct diameter in the last inspection chamber before connection to the public sewage system. Upon completion ensure that a watertight seal is made with immediate surrounds.

General Rats
Mr Bog
Posted on
November 5, 2023
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