Bay (window) structural rebuild of all
Bay (window) structural rebuild of all
Properly support the front main wall internally using Acrow props or similar. Take down the unstable brick built bay window structure in its entirety, excavate to expose foundations and break out providing necessary support at all levels to ensure continued stability of building.
Excavate for and cast new concrete foundations of sufficient width and thickness, set at suitable depth, to support maximum loading and rebuild bay structure including a new roof. All to be built to the original configuration in sound salvaged bricks or new bricks to match, bedded in sand cement (3:1) mortar but all in accordance with current Building Regulations. Allow for replacement window frames. Construct a new roof, to match original, including for replacement of the timber bressumer/lintel supporting the main wall. Allow for new window sub-cills. Ensure mechanical bonding of the bay to the main structure at both floor and roof levels, with joints struck to match original as work proceeds (The Councils Building Control Officer should be consulted in this instance).
Provide necessary support to the brick built bay window to ensure continued stability of structure and excavate to expose foundations.
Dig out trial holes, as necessary, and arrange for the Council’s Building Control surveyor to inspect the foundations to ascertain whether the depth is adequate. Excavate further and underpin existing foundations with new concrete foundations of sufficient width and thickness, set at suitable depth, to support maximum loading with final pinning-up to underside of original foundations done in sound bricks and sand/cement (3:1) mortar and stiff fine concrete if necessary.
Backfill and consolidate exposed foundations.
(The Councils Building Control Officer should be consulted in this instance).