Section 42 of the Care Act 2014 is a process that local authorities use to investigate abuse or neglect concerns for adults. The process is triggered when a local authority suspects that an adult is at risk of abuse or neglect, or is unable to protect themselves.
What happens during a Section 42 enquiry?
The local authority will make enquiries, which can include speaking with the adult.
The local authority will consider the adult’s views and wishes.
The local authority will assess the adult’s needs for support or protection.
The local authority will decide what action to take, if any.
The local authority will consider whether the adult needs an independent advocate.
What is the purpose of a Section 42 enquiry?
The purpose of a Section 42 enquiry is to protect adults from abuse and neglect, and to ensure that their needs are met.
Who is involved in a Section 42 enquiry?
A variety of organizations may be involved in a Section 42 enquiry, working together to share information and plan interventions. This is often referred to as a multi-agency safeguarding hub (MASH).