Rebuilt Brickwork
Rebuilt Brickwork
Take down all sections of ‘half-brick thick’ (112.5mm or 4.5 inch thick) brickwork. Guidance can be sought from Building Control as to whether they will require new foundations to be laid. Rebuild the wall using 225mm (9 inch) thick solid walls using new or sound second-hand bricks to match the existing, set in a suitable cement mortar properly bonded to the existing. Joints to be finished to match the original in all respects. Replaster the wall internally, where appropriate.
Cut out all bulged or uneven brickwork to the XXX wall. Rebuild using new or sound second-hand bricks properly bonded to match original in all respects. Leave wall in a sound and stable condition.
Cut out the fractured sections of brick built wall to the XXX and rebuild in sound salvaged bricks, or new bricks to match, set in sand/cement (3:1) mortar ensuring continuation of original bond toothed into sound sections of brickwork with joints struck to match existing as work proceeds. Alternatively repair the fractures by such other suitable method as may be agreed all to the Building Control Officers recommendations.
Take down to a firm level base the loose and defective brickwork to the XXX wall. Rebuild using new or sound second-hand bricks to match existing; set in cement mortar, properly bonded; point brickwork. All materials to match existing and finished flush with adjacent areas.
Completely demolish defective brickwork XXX and rebuild using new or sound second-hand bricks to match original. Point brickwork using suitable cement mortar, to match original in all respects. Leave in a sound condition.