Roof Damp Tiles


Strip the clay-tiled roof covering complete including the battens; examine exposed structural timbers and replace all rotted, weak or broken members to leave roof carcass structurally sound. Renail all existing roof timbers to the ridge purlins and wall plates. Lay under felt to the current version of BS 747 and 19mm x 38mm treated timber battens set to an appropriate gauge. Recover roof using new or sound salvaged clay tiles to suitable lap, fixed with non-ferrous nails; provide sheet metal soakers, flashings and general roof weatherings all wedged and let 19mm into vertical brick abutments and pointed in sand/cement (3:1) mortar with joints struck flush and verge courses bedded on sand/cement (3:1) mortar struck flush at gable. On completion lay suitable type sound salvaged ridge/hip tiles or new ridge/hip tiles bedded on sharp sand/cement (3:1) mortar with bed and perpendicular joints struck flush.

Strip off all tiles to the centre valley roof slopes. Examine roof timbers and replace all rotten or defective members using sound well-seasoned timber of suitable dimensions.

Strip out the existing XXX centre valley gutter complete. Provide and lay new gutter linings in the most appropriate Code of lead sheet laid on a continuous layer of roofing felt and dressed up roof slopes over tilting fillets to form gutter of 150mm depth, joined in length by welted joints laid flat in the direction of fall and to include fixing with nailed tingles. Where drips exist in gutter length, drip joints shall be reformed and zinc dressed to gutter outlets.

Re-tile using new or sound second-hand tiles securely fixed with non-ferrous nails to suitable battens, fixed to a proper gauge on approved felt lining. Renew any defective soakers, flashings, and fillets (soakers and flashings to be in Code 4 lead, and fillets to be in suitable mortar mix incorporating a waterproofing additive). Re-bed loose hip tiles where appropriate and replace tiles where missing or defective. Leave roof sound and watertight on completion.

Strip off three courses of tiles from either side of the centre valley gutter. Strip out the existing centre valley gutter complete. Provide and lay new gutter linings in the most appropriate Code of lead sheet laid on a continuous layer of roofing felt and dressed up the roof slopes over tilting fillets to form gutter of 150mm depth, joined in length by welted joints and laid flat in the direction of fall and to include fixing with nailed tingles. Where drips exist in gutter length, drip joints shall be reformed and zinc dressed to gutter outlets.

Re-tile using new or sound second-hand tiles securely fixed with non-ferrous nails to suitable battens, fixed to a proper gauge on approved felt lining. Renew any defective soakers, flashings, and fillets (soakers and flashings to be in Code 4 lead, and fillets to be in suitable mortar mix incorporating a waterproofing additive). Re-bed loose hip tiles where appropriate and replace where missing or defective. Leave roof sound and watertight on completion.

Strip the clay tiled covering from the structurally unsound sections of the roof; examine the exposed structural timbers including rafters, purlins, struts and wall-plates and replace all weak, broken or decayed members with sound treated members of suitable section properly positioned and correctly inserted into roof carcass. Renail all existing roof timbers to the ridge purlins and wall plates. Recover the exposed sections with sound salvaged clay tiles or new clay tiles to match laid on 19mm x 38mm treated timber battens and fixed with non-ferrous nails to existing lap/bond including insertion of new sheet metal weatherings as necessary and replacement of hip/ridge tiles on completion to leave sound and weatherproof.

Re-fix all loose and slipped sound tiles XXX and renew missing and defective tiles. Leave the roof in a sound and weatherproof condition making good all works disturbed.

Take off tiles to one side of XXX parapet gutter and set aside sound tiles for re-use. Strip out existing gutter, provide and lay new gutter linings in in the most appropriate Code of lead sheet laid on continuous layer of roofing felt, dress up wall face to form gutter of 150mm depth joined in length by welted joints laid flat in the direction of fall and to include fixing with nailed tingles. Re-fix tiles and leave in a sound and watertight condition.

Roof Damp Tiles
Mr Bog
Posted on
November 5, 2023
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