Walls Damp DPC

Rising Damp/Damp Proof Course

Arrange for a specialist contractor to examine all walls for the presence of rising dampness and the condition of a damp proof course. Pay particular attention to the following areas: -




To all parts of the walls where there is evidence of rising dampness or where the damp proof course is missing or ineffective, remove existing skirtings and all wall linings/tiles etc, and hack off all damp and defective plaster to a minimum height of 1.2 metres.

Rake out brickwork joints ready to receive new rendering.

Provide an effective damp proofing treatment to the walls of XXX in accordance with the current version of the British Standards, by means of a chemical injection damp proof course. Re-plaster exposed areas using 1:3 cement/sand mix, incorporating a waterproofing additive or as required by the specialist contractor. Finish with suitable plaster setting coat, flush with existing. Re-fix skirtings and other timbers if sound, or replace, to match existing, all rotten or otherwise defective timbers.

Provide a copy of the guarantee certificate to the case officer

NOTE: All works should be undertaken by a member of the ‘PROPERTY CARE ASSOCIATION’ or by a contractor capable of providing a guarantee, which is underwritten by an acceptable insurance scheme or by the fluid manufacturer.

Walls Damp DPC
Mr Bog
Posted on
November 5, 2023
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