Bay (Renewal)

Provide all necessary support to the XXX bay for the proper execution of the works. Existing ceiling joists to XXX (location of room) to be supported by means of adjustable props. Existing XXX (location of room) floor joists to be supported by means of timber props onto a firm surface. Position all props in alignment throughout the building to achieve total support of the XXX (location of room) ceiling joists and external 225mm brickwork.

Take all necessary precautions and remove the existing bay roof construction. Remove the existing bay roof in its entirety. Remove the existing wall plates and ceiling timbers and timber bressumers to the XXX (location of room) bay roof. Expose areas and clean down and treat for fungal attack. Provide and fix new rolled steel joist in suitable dimensions, properly protected against corrosion. Supply and fix new timber wall plates, bedded on new DPC. Supply and fix new ceiling joists to XXX (location of room) area. Treat all new timbers with wood preservative to guard against decay. Supply and fit treated timber bearers bolted to wall to provide secure anchorage. Supply and fit treated timber roof joists notched, over bearer in readiness for timber decking. Supply and fit plywood decking to bay roof construction in readiness for recovering. Recover roof in Code 4 lead covering laid on under-felt as per Building Regulation requirements. Provide and fix suitable weathering to all abutments. Ensure roof has sufficient fall for self-drainage. Provide and fix new rainwater bay gutter $ and downpipe. Discharge rainwater into an appropriate drain gulley. Reinstate all previously removed and salvageable stonework, making out with similar to match existing. Remove all support upon completion and make good to all previously supported areas.

Provide and paint one coat stabilising solution and two coats quality masonry paint to all new stone rendered surfaces. Leave whole and sound and watertight upon completion. Reference should be made to the Building Control Officer.

Bay (Renewal)
Mr Bog
Posted on
April 30, 2020
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