Roof Damp Replacement

Partial pitched roof replacement

Strip the slate/tile covering from the structurally unsound sections of the XXX roof. Carefully examine the exposed structural timbers including rafters, purlins, struts and wall-plates and replace all weak, broken or decayed members with sound treated members of suitable section properly positioned and correctly inserted into roof carcass. Renail all existing roof timbers to the ridge purlins and wall plates. Recover the exposed sections with sound salvaged slates/tiles or new slates/tiles to match, laid on 25mm x 50mm treated timber battens and fixed with non-ferrous nails to existing lap/gauge including insertion of new Code 4 lead flashings and general roof weatherings as necessary. Upon completion, leave the whole sound and watertight.

Roof Damp Replacement
Mr Bog
Posted on
November 5, 2023
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