Provide Full Electric Heating – Bedsit HMO (Storage heaters, heating only)
Design and install a full electric heating system for the whole building using off peak storage heaters. The system shall be capable of maintaining the following internal temperatures when the external temperature is –1˚C:
- Bed sitting rooms 21
- Bathroom 22
- Elsewhere, including Common landings 18
The system shall include the following:
All bed sitting rooms shall be provided with a fan assisted combination storage heater with thermostatically controlled top up convector heater. All bed sitting rooms, except those between 8 and 11 m2 in area with one external wall, standard ceiling height, and with another heated space above and below, shall be provided with wall mounted electric panel heaters with timers and electronic thermostats.
Kitchens of sufficient size and bathrooms where practicable shall be provided with storage heaters or with on peak down flow heaters otherwise.
All storage heaters shall have automatic charge control and a thermostatically controlled damper outlet.
For sizing and positioning of storage heaters regard shall be had to the method set out in DOM 8: Guide to the Design of Electric Space Heating Systems, The Electrical Heating and Ventilation Association, 2006. In particular the system shall be designed so that 90% of the annual heat requirement is available at the off peak rate.
All works to comply with the latest edition of the IEE Regulations and Part P of the current Building Regulations.