WC Suite

WC suite

Provide in the XXX bathroom, a suitable water closet comprising pan and flushing cistern connected to the water supply and drainage system all to approval of respective Local Authorities.

Construct in XXX, or otherwise provide a water closet comprising pan and flushing cistern complete with connection to water supply and drainage system all to approval of the respective Local Authorities. Provide and fit within the same compartment, a wash hand basin with supplies of hot and cold water – connected to a suitable trapped waste. Ensure that a maintenance valve is provided close to the cistern, to permit routine maintenance of the appliance.

Construct a suitable type lobby, connected directly to the external atmosphere between XXX, or otherwise arrange access to the WC other than directly through the XXX.

Take out the XXX water closet pan. Supply and fit a new pan including hinged lift up seat and flap, properly connected to the flushing cistern and drainage system. Ensure that a maintenance valve is provided close to the cistern, to permit routine maintenance of the appliance.

Remove the XXX water closet seat. Supply and fit a new hinged lift-up seat with flap and leave in proper working order.

Take out the XXX water closet flushing cistern. Supply and fit a new high level flushing cistern properly connected to the water closet and water supply. Ensure that a maintenance valve is provided close to the cistern, to permit routine maintenance of the appliance.

Take out the XXX water closet flushing cistern. Supply and fit a new low level flushing cistern properly connected to the water closet and water supply. Ensure both water feeds have maintenance valves incorporated so that taps can be maintained without the need to drain down the water supply.

Repair or replace the XXX flushing cistern so as to provide an effectual flush to the water closet. Ensure that a maintenance valve is provided close to the cistern, to permit routine maintenance of the appliance.

Remove the ball valve mechanism in the water closet flushing cistern in the XXX. Supply and fit a new suitable ball valve properly connected to the water supply, all left to provide an effectual flush to the water closet.

Properly adjust the ball valve mechanism in the XXX water closet flushing cistern so as to prevent the overflow of water.

Take out the leaking section of water supply pipe to the water closet flushing cistern in the XXX. Supply and fit a new section of properly connected to the existing supply and flushing cistern. Ensure both water feeds have maintenance valves incorporated so that taps can be maintained without the need to drain down the water supply.

Repair the leaking supply pipe to the water closet flushing cistern and leave in a sound and watertight condition. Ensure both water feeds have maintenance valves incorporated so that taps can be maintained without the need to drain down the water supply.

Extend or replace the overflow pipe to the flushing cistern so as to discharge a minimum of 150mm (6”) from the face of the external wall.

Repair the XXX joint between the flushing cistern and overflow pipe and leave in a sound and watertight condition.

Replace the chain, complete with suitable type pull, to the flushing cistern.

Renew the flush pipe to the flushing cistern and leave in a sound and watertight condition.

Repair the joints to the flush pipe and leave in a sound and watertight condition.

Replace the flush pipe connector to leave joint in sound waterproof condition.

Replace the pan connector to leave the joint in sound waterproof condition.

Securely refix the water closet pan to the floor.

Investigate the cause of water leaking from the XXX WC suite. Where the flush pipe is leaking at the cone joint (in a conventional system) or where the rubber connector (often known as the ‘doughnut’) between the base of the flushing cistern and the top of the WC pan (in a close couple B suite), replace the appropriate component. Examine the flooring surrounding the WC suite, to ensure that the WC suite is properly secured to the floor.

WC Suite
Mr Bog
Posted on
July 11, 2022
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