Provide Full Gas Central Heating (Bedsit type HMO, landlord control, heating only)

Supply and install a whole house gas fired central heating system to the premises
to satisfy the design and installation requirements of British Standard 5449:
1990 and in accordance with Part L of the current Building Regulations.

The system shall be capable of maintaining the following internal temperatures when
the external temperature is –1˚C:

  • Bed sitting rooms, communal living/dining room 21˚C
  • Bathrooms 22˚C
  • Elsewhere, including common landings/stairs 18˚C:

Sizing of the boiler and radiators shall be determined using an approved Domestic
Central Heating Calculator and approved radiator manufacturer’s sizing tables.
Radiators shall be so sited as to ensure even distribution of heat whilst minimising
heat loss through walls and windows. All radiators shall be fitted with
thermostatic radiator valves. All controls, including the programmer and provision of
boiler interlock shall be in accordance with a recognised standard for a communal
heating system, and be compliant with Part L of the current Building Regulations.
The programmer and room thermostat should be accessible to the tenants, if
this is not possible, the heating should be programmed to be on all the time except
for up to seven hours at night. Installation and testing (including
for soundness and sizing of the gas carcassing under normal operating
conditions) should be carried out in strict accordance with the manufacturer’s
instructions, the Gas Safety (installation and Use) Regulations 1994 as amended
and the relevant British Standards/Codes of Practice applicable to domestic gas
installations. A copy of the Manufacturer’s instructions should be left with the
occupier and the Benchmark document competed by the installer, a copy of which
should be provided to the Council

Provide Full Gas Central Heating (Bedsit type HMO, landlord control, heating only)
Mr Bog
Posted on
July 23, 2024
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