General Heating Hot Water Gas

Gas Heating and Hot Water System

Supply and install throughout the dwelling a full domestic gas fueled, wet central heating and hot water system to British Standard 5449: 1990 and in accordance with Part L of the Building Regulations 2000 (as amended).

The system shall be capable of maintaining the following internal temperatures when the external temperature is –10C:

Living room - 210C

Bedrooms - 180C

Kitchen - 180C

Bathroom - 220C

Hall/passage - 180C

The heating system is to be designed to take into account any other measures required by this notice to mitigate or reduce heat loss from the dwelling, including the provision of double glazing or improved thermal insulation to walls or roof.

The requirements in terms of the hazard Excess Cold is to maintain an appropriate balance between heat input and heat loss.

General Heating Hot Water Gas
Mr Bog
Posted on
November 5, 2023
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