Escape window Escape window N.B. Emergency escape windows can only be considered if satisfied that it would be safe to use them in an emergency i.e. the person using is not going to be impaled on railings or trappe 2020-05-11 Standard Clauses For Housing Act Use - HHSRS > 24 - Fire Safety #fire_safety
Door electrical locking device Door electrical locking device Electrically operated entry control devices have been developed for use as locking devices on fire exits. Electromechanical devices comprising electromechanical lock kee 2020-05-11 Standard Clauses For Housing Act Use - HHSRS > 24 - Fire Safety #fire_safety
LPG use LPG use Restrict the provision and use of liquefied petroleum (bottled) gas appliances and cylinders within the premises. No LPG appliances must be used or stored in the protected escape route, or any 2020-05-11 Standard Clauses For Housing Act Use - HHSRS > 24 - Fire Safety #fire_safety
Modify fire detection and alarm system by fitting magnetic hold-back to door Modify fire detection and alarm system by fitting magnetic hold-back to door Action must be taken to control the ….. door, which appears to be often held open. If you are unable to ensure that the doo 2020-05-11 Standard Clauses For Housing Act Use - HHSRS > 24 - Fire Safety #fire_safety
Separate laundry from the protected route Separate laundry from the protected route No electrical appliances must be operated within the ‘protected escape route’. Either relocate the laundry equipment to within a room separated from the ‘prot 2020-05-11 Standard Clauses For Housing Act Use - HHSRS > 24 - Fire Safety #fire_safety
Separate cooking facilities from escape route Separate cooking facilities from escape route Construct a half-hour resisting construction, with half-hour fire-resisting, self-closing door to isolate the existing kitchen from the communal ‘protecte 2020-05-11 Standard Clauses For Housing Act Use - HHSRS > 24 - Fire Safety #fire_safety
Prohibit smoking within the escape route Prohibit smoking within the escape route No smoking should be allowed in common parts of the premises, as smoking materials or discarded cigarette butts can act as potential sources of ignition. The S 2020-05-11 Standard Clauses For Housing Act Use - HHSRS > 24 - Fire Safety #fire_safety
Remove all fire-door wedges or other hold-open arrangements Remove all fire-door wedges or other hold-open arrangements It is a statutory requirement under the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 for person or people who may have control of any premises 2020-05-11 Standard Clauses For Housing Act Use - HHSRS > 24 - Fire Safety #fire_safety
Enclose electric meter in half-hour fire-resisting construction Enclose electric meter in half-hour fire-resisting construction Construct a fire-resisting cupboard around the electrical intake, meters and associated electrical apparatus situated in the entrance ha 2020-05-11 Standard Clauses For Housing Act Use - HHSRS > 24 - Fire Safety #fire_safety
Remove obstructions and potentially flammable materials from fire escape route Remove obstructions and potentially flammable materials from fire escape route Remove all bicycles, and accumulations of potentially flammable materials, from within the protected fire escape route. U 2020-05-11 Standard Clauses For Housing Act Use - HHSRS > 24 - Fire Safety #fire_safety