Insert Steel Restraining Straps
Insert Steel Restraining Straps Insert suitable steel straps to restrain movement in the XXX wall. Straps to be run concealed and anchored to adjacent wall/joists capable of providing the necessa
Bay (Renewal)
Provide all necessary support to the XXX bay for the proper execution of the works. Existing ceiling joists to XXX (location of room) to be supported by means of adjustable props. Existing XXX (locati
Bay (window) structural rebuild of all
Bay (window) structural rebuild of all Properly support the front main wall internally using Acrow props or similar. Take down the unstable brick built bay window structure in its entirety, excavate t
Replace Lintel
Provide all necessary support. Take out the fractured lintel to the . Prepare surfaces, bed and point in position new lintel of adequate dimensions and load bearing capacity. Make up and point brickwo
Rake out loose and perished pointing to all brickwork elevations prepare all open joints and neatly repoint in good mortar to match existing. Leave sound and weatherproof upon completion. Rake out poi
Rebuilt Brickwork
Rebuilt Brickwork Take down all sections of ‘half-brick thick’ (112.5mm or 4.5 inch thick) brickwork. Guidance can be sought from Building Control as to whether they will require new foundations to be