Rebuilt Brickwork 3 Rebuilt Brickwork Take down unstable brick built wall complete to existing foundations excavating to expose as necessary and providing support at all levels to ensure continued stability of building. 2020-04-30 Standard Clauses For Housing Act Use - HHSRS > 29 - Structural Collapse and Falling Elements #structural_collapse
Rebuilt Brickwork 4 Cut out the fractured section(s) of brick built wall and rebuild in sound salvaged bricks, or new bricks to match, set in sand/cement (3:1) mortar ensuring continuation of original bond toothed i 2020-04-30 Standard Clauses For Housing Act Use - HHSRS > 29 - Structural Collapse and Falling Elements #structural_collapse
Rebuilt Brickwork 5 Rebuilt Brickwork Take down the unstable section(s) of brick built wall and rebuild in sound salvaged bricks, or new bricks to match, set in sand/cement (3:1) mortar ensuring continuation of orig 2020-04-30 Standard Clauses For Housing Act Use - HHSRS > 29 - Structural Collapse and Falling Elements #structural_collapse
Rebuilt Brickwork 6 Rebuilt Brickwork Rebuild loose and/or missing areas of brickwork to . Use sound salvaged bricks or new to match existing, bedded in sand/cement (1:4) mortar to original configuration. 2020-04-30 Standard Clauses For Housing Act Use - HHSRS > 29 - Structural Collapse and Falling Elements #structural_collapse
Cut out Brickwork Cut out Brickwork Cut out brickwork to the wall. Renew with sound bricks to match existing, properly toothed and bonded to adjacent brickwork and point up in good mortar. Leave the wall in a sound and 2020-04-30 Standard Clauses For Housing Act Use - HHSRS > 29 - Structural Collapse and Falling Elements #structural_collapse
Rebuild Wall Rebuild Wall Rebuild brick wall in sound salvaged bricks, or new bricks to march, bedded in cement/sand (1:) mortar, to original configuration ensuring mechanical bonding at all floor levels and 2020-04-30 Standard Clauses For Housing Act Use - HHSRS > 29 - Structural Collapse and Falling Elements #structural_collapse
Underpinning General clauses Underpinning: General clauses When underpinning works are necessary, it is in your interest to employ the services of a Specialist Contractor experienced in works of this nature. Underpinning/fou 2020-04-30 Standard Clauses For Housing Act Use - HHSRS > 29 - Structural Collapse and Falling Elements #structural_collapse
Under Pinning Works Under Pinning Works Carry out underpinning works to the XXX wall using an approved method to prevent further movement, under the supervision of the Council’s Building Control Officers. Reinstate all e 2020-04-30 Standard Clauses For Housing Act Use - HHSRS > 29 - Structural Collapse and Falling Elements #structural_collapse
Under Pinning Works 1 Under Pinning Works Investigate and ascertain the cause and nature of the instability affecting the XXX including excavation and exposure of foundations. Carry out remedial works as determined by inve 2020-04-30 Standard Clauses For Housing Act Use - HHSRS > 29 - Structural Collapse and Falling Elements #structural_collapse
Under Pinning Works 2 Under Pinning Works Carry out underpinning works to the inadequately founded wall(s) using a method approved by the Building Control Officer, including reinstating all excavated earth works and making 2020-04-30 Standard Clauses For Housing Act Use - HHSRS > 29 - Structural Collapse and Falling Elements #structural_collapse