Electrical Condition Report HMO Electrical Condition Report (HMO) Provide an ‘’Electrical Installation Condition Report’’ for the electrical installation and fittings to the top floor flat. Details of the extent and limitations of t 2020-04-30 Standard Clauses For Housing Act Use - HHSRS > 23 - Electrical Hazards #electrical_hazards
Renew Ceramic Tiles Renew Ceramic Tiles Take up all uneven, broken and loose ceramic floor tiles and set aside sound tiles for reuse. Prepare and rebed previously set aside sound tiles providing new tiles as necessary. G 2020-04-30 Standard Clauses For Housing Act Use - HHSRS > 20 - Falls on the Level #falls_on_the_level
Uneven Flags Uneven Flags Take up the uneven or broken flagstones and set aside sound stones for reuse. Level up, consolidate and properly relay previously set aside stones making out with new. Point up open joint 2020-04-30 Standard Clauses For Housing Act Use - HHSRS > 20 - Falls on the Level #falls_on_the_level
Yard Paving Yard Paving Hack out cracks to existing XXX. Infill and make good flush with surrounding areas. 2020-04-30 Standard Clauses For Housing Act Use - HHSRS > 20 - Falls on the Level #falls_on_the_level
Yard Paving 3 Yard Paving Hack out cracks to existing XXX. Infill and make good flush with surrounding areas. 2020-04-30 Standard Clauses For Housing Act Use - HHSRS > 20 - Falls on the Level #falls_on_the_level
Yard Paving 2 Yard Paving Break up and remove from site the existing XXX surface XXX. Reduce level as necessary. Provide, spread and consolidate 100mm new hardcore and lay 75mm concrete trowelled and floated smooth 2020-04-30 Standard Clauses For Housing Act Use - HHSRS > 20 - Falls on the Level #falls_on_the_level
Repair sloping Flooring Open up and examine the sloping floor. Thoroughly repair and secure floor joists. Provide and fix firring pieces as necessary. Renew defective floorboards and refix sound floorboards. Renew or refix s 2020-04-30 Standard Clauses For Housing Act Use - HHSRS > 20 - Falls on the Level #falls_on_the_level
Provide Sink and base unit Provide Sink and base unit Provide and install new sink and base unit, minimum dimensions of sink to be 500mm x 600mm, complete with waste, overflow, taps, plug and chain. Ensure connection to hot and 2020-04-30 Standard Clauses For Housing Act Use - HHSRS > 17 - Personal Hygiene, Sanitation and Drainage #personal_hygeine_sanitation_and_drainage
Provide Sink Provide Sink Provide and install new suitable sink, minimum dimensions 500mm x 600mm, with waste, overflow, taps, plug and chain. Provide and fit trap, connect waste pipe to trap, run and properly con 2020-04-30 Standard Clauses For Housing Act Use - HHSRS > 17 - Personal Hygiene, Sanitation and Drainage #personal_hygeine_sanitation_and_drainage
Waste pipes Generic Waste pipes Generic Renew defective length of XXX waste pipe in suitable materials, test and leave in proper working order. Overhaul defective XXX waste pipe. Repair any leaking sections, cleanse and 2020-04-30 Standard Clauses For Housing Act Use - HHSRS > 17 - Personal Hygiene, Sanitation and Drainage #personal_hygeine_sanitation_and_drainage