General Heating Hot Water Gas Gas Heating and Hot Water System Supply and install throughout the dwelling a full domestic gas fueled, wet central heating and hot water system to British Standard 5449: 1990 and in accordance with P 2023-11-05 Standard Clauses For Housing Act Use - HHSRS > 2 - Excess Cold #excess_cold
General Heating Electric Electric Heating System Design and install a full electric heating system for the whole dwelling using off peak storage heaters. In particular the system shall be designed so that 90% of the annual he 2023-11-05 Standard Clauses For Housing Act Use - HHSRS > 2 - Excess Cold #excess_cold
Window Restrictors Windows’ Restrictors Provide suitable proprietary restrictors to limit the window openings to a maximum of 100 mm (10cm) to windows: ‘The proprietary restrictors should be easy to over-ride by an adul 2023-11-05 Standard Clauses For Housing Act Use - HHSRS > 22 - Falls between Levels #falls_between_levels
Install a Sprinkler System Install a Sprinkler System The building is required to have a thirty minute protected route allowing the occupants to escape without the necessity of passing through a risk room. In the current arrang 2023-11-05 Standard Clauses For Housing Act Use - HHSRS > 24 - Fire Safety #fire_safety
CUPBOARD STORE (plural)(empty and seal specific cupboard) CUPBOARD / STORE (plural)(empty and seal specific cupboard) Remove all items from within the cupboards/stores situated # specify positions #. Permanently seal shut the door to each empty cup 2023-11-05 Standard Clauses For Housing Act Use - HHSRS > 24 - Fire Safety #fire_safety
CUPBOARD STORE (singular)(empty and seal specific cupboard) CUPBOARD / STORE (singular)(empty and seal specific cupboard) Remove all items from within the cupboard/store situated # specify position #. Permanently seal shut the door to the empty cupbo 2023-11-05 Standard Clauses For Housing Act Use - HHSRS > 24 - Fire Safety #fire_safety
CUPBOARDS STORES (Remove certain cupboards) CUPBOARDS / STORES (Remove certain cupboards) Remove the cupboard(s)/store(s) situated # specify position(s) # from within the escape route and either dispose of them or relocate to a new po 2023-11-05 Standard Clauses For Housing Act Use - HHSRS > 24 - Fire Safety #fire_safety
CUPBOARDS STORES (general)(make up partitions & soffits ceilings to 30 minutes resistance) CUPBOARDS / STORES (general)(make up partitions & soffits / ceilings to 30 minutes resistance) Make up to a standard of fire resistance of at least 30 minutes all partitions and soffits 2023-11-05 Standard Clauses For Housing Act Use - HHSRS > 24 - Fire Safety #fire_safety
CUPBOARD STORE (single)(make up soffit ceiling to 30 minutes resistance) CUPBOARD / STORE (single)(make up soffit / ceiling to 30 minutes resistance) Make up to a standard of fire-resistance of at least 30 minutes the soffit / ceiling within the cupboard 2023-11-05 Standard Clauses For Housing Act Use - HHSRS > 24 - Fire Safety #fire_safety
CUPBOARD STORE (single)(make up partitions to 30 minutes resistance) CUPBOARD / STORE (single)(make up partitions to 30 minutes resistance) Make up the partitions within the cupboard/store situated # specify position #. to a standard of fire resistance of at 2023-11-05 Standard Clauses For Housing Act Use - HHSRS > 24 - Fire Safety #fire_safety